It’s basically an NFT atelier.
All mints are free if you hold the NFTpass.
At the launch of the Unimuses, 1,800 NFTpasses are given away for free to the Dead Pixels Ghost Club.
Each passholder can mint their Unimuse for free.
NFTatelier is an NFT experiment.
Released collections
Collections in work

Its a style that represents the NFT culture.
In the late 90s graffiti morphed into 3D styles. The NFTstyles have their origins in the HipHop culture.
A collection of 10000.

2050 Pixelmuses based on the 2050 Unimuses. Each Unimuse will have its Pixelmuse. Handmade following the rules of pixelart.
Some NFT passes are being dropped every few days to followers on X.